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Principal's Corner

Hello parents and students of MLK,


Welcome to MLK Jr. Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year.  I hope your summer has been productive and your minds rejuvenated.  We are excited to have you all reporting back to school and we look forward to partnering with you in a relationship that will ensure an optimal learning environment for your child’s growth. 


 We have been busy making changes and growing our faculty for this school year. We are preparing for our new magnet school initiative which is being funded through the Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP).    With your help, patience, and understanding, as well as the new funding and guidance of this organization, we can create a culture of pride, respect, and high achievement. By way of this initiative, we have already begun forging new relationships with the Atlanta Botanical Garden, Zoo Atlanta, and the Georgia Institute of Technology. We will provide additional information at our Open House.  


 I am honored to remain the principal of King Elementary after being in this role for the past 11 years and leading our school through many changes, including the recent global pandemic.   As we continue to adjust to our “new” normal, I am happy to do so with a team of educators and support personnel who are experienced and knowledgeable of the type of work ahead of us specifically at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary.  In addition, I would like to thank you all for entrusting us with the supervision and academic growth of your students.  


While I have your attention I would like to tell you about a few changes, requests, and procedures for this school year and for the first week of school:  


• We still have a uniform dress code policy for our students.  Mondays - Thursdays, students should wear  

   navy blue or khaki colored bottoms and navy blue or white tops.  Fridays are reserved for spirit wear and



• Clayton County Public Schools is mandating that all students in our elementary schools use see-through

   bookbags again this year.   Please keep this in mind as you begin your back-to-school shopping.  


• We will conduct our annual Open House on July 31, from 1-3 p.m.  At this time, you will have an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and receive transportation information. 


• Please make your child’s teacher aware of how your child will normally get home and

   definitely what this mode of transportation will look like on the first day of school.  


• We begin receiving students into the cafeteria and the gymnasium at 7:00 a.m.

   Students are allowed to report to their teacher’s class at 7:20 a.m.  

   The school day begins at 7:45 a.m.  After this time, your child is considered tardy and you will

   need to sign them in when dropping them off for school after this time.   This is important so

   that your child receives credit for attendance. 

•  Please make sure that both the front office and your child’s teacher have your most current

   contact information.  


•  When you have issues and/or concerns that you would like to discuss with an administrator

   please begin with your child’s grade level administrator first.  If you cannot resolve the issue

   with the appropriate assistant principal, you can request an appointment with the principal by

   calling the front office or emailing me directly at 770.991.4651.  email –




Thank you for your attention to this communication.  With your assistance, I am sure we can make this year a successful year for your student(s).  








Carl R. Jackson, Ed.D.

Principal, Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School